Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Charles Komanoff Weighs In

Apparently, I wasn't alone in calling Charles Komanoff to the mat after he was quoted in the NYT, saying that the average American family could reduce their CO2 emissions by 25%. In response to a dozen queries like mine, Komanoff got down to the nitty gritty in Gristmill. He even produced a spreadsheet for the truly detail minded.
Komanoff's top five are no real surprise:

1. Play and shop close to home to cut out 25% of non-commute driving (6.3%),
2. Switch to compact fluorescents (4.5%).
3. Upgrade insulation (4.0%).
4. Carpool, bike, walk or ride transit to work once a week (2.2%).
5. Turn down the thermostat 3ºF during the heating season (1.8%).

Here's a thought: how about vacationing close to home? What is the impact of middle class Americans jetting off on beach vacations?

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